We have prepared a demo database, with some master data examples and randomly generated inspections data. Purpose is to demonstrate QTrendControl features and capabilities. Note that you can both view and edit data, so be free to experiment and play with application! Fast internet connection is prerequisite.

You can access demo connections through following links:

Demo 1 database user: demo_user1, password: demo

Demo 2 database user: demo_user2, password: demo

Demo 3 database user: demo_user3, password: demo

Demo 4 database user: demo_user4, password: demo

Demo 5 database user: demo_user5, password: demo

Demo 6 database user: demo_user6, password: demo

Demo 7 database user: demo_user7, password: demo

Demo 8 database user: demo_user8, password: demo

Demo 9 database user: demo_user9, password: demo

Demo 10 database user: demo_user10, password: demo


When you click on some of the links above, a remote desktop connection will be opened in new window. If QTrendControl frontend application has been previously closed, system will automatically start application and you will be prompted to enter database username and password (user: demo_userX, password: demo). If application has been left opened by previous session, then there will be no login form, but application will be already opened with a user logged in.


If somebody else is already connected to the same demo instance, you will be notified that you cannot open front-end application because file is already in use, and then system will terminate your remote desktop session. There are multiple demo instances provided (see links above), so you can try another link.

You will notice that there are multiple departments and plants defined in organization structure. However, inspection points are defined and demo inspections data is randomly generated only for two departments: PRODUCTION OF SEMI-SOLID AND LIQUID FORMS and HARD GELATINE CAPSULES PRODUCTION. 

PRODUCTION OF SEMI-SOLID AND LIQUID FORMS is an example of variable data (continuous data) inspections, while HARD GELATINE CAPSULES PRODUCTION is an example of attribute data (discrete data), defects counting.