What is QTrendControl?
QTrendControl is software tool for statistical analysis and trending of inspection results, for purpose of continuous process improvement. It is based on principles of quality management and improvement methodologies such as SPC, PAT and Six Sigma. Typical examples of inspections are:
- Physical and chemical analysis of raw materials, packaging materials, bulk and finished products (pharmaceutical, diary, cosmetics, food & beverage and similar process industries)
- Physical, chemical and microbiological inspections of industrial utilities, such as purified water, compressed air, nitrogen, clean steam etc.
- clean-room conditions monitoring (air pressure, air velocity, humidity, temperature etc.)
- in-process quality control parameters in manufacturing process
- defects and defectives counting
In this article, we will present major features implemented in the program.
Main Menu
Upon successful login to database server, main menu dashboard is opened.
Master Data and Settings
Organization Structure and Inspection Matrix
By clicking on the button "Organization Structure and Inspection Matrix" you can open form for managing master data.
Users assigned to role "data_reading" can view master data, but only users assigned to role "master_data_admin" can insert, edit and delete data.
Form consists of several tabs:
- Tabs related to Organization Structure
- Organization
- Departments, Plants and Areas
- Lines and Devices
- Inspection Points and Inspection Parameters
- Inspection Types and Inspection Parameters Templates
- Product Catalogue
Organization Structure
QTrendControl enforces hierarchical definition of organization elements and inspection points related to organizational elements.
When defining inspection matrix, you need to follow following workflow: Organization-->Department-->Plant-->Area--->Line-->Device-->Inspection Point-->Inspection Parameter.
Each of the nodes in this flow is mandatory to be defined. However, you can leave some nodes with blank or dummy names. For example, if you don't have production lines and device for certain production area, you might name Line and Device "None", "Dummy" or just leave blank name and assign all inspection points for the area to this blank line and device item.
Keep in mind that this tabs are in hieararchical relationship - if you, for example, click on the tab "Lines and Devices", only record belonging to currently selected Organization, Department, Plant and Area in previous tabs will be shown.
In the Organization tab, you can define general info about your company or institution.
Note that in each organizational node, you have three check boxes: "Reporting?", "Input?" and "Active"
If "Reporting?" is checked, then this node will be available for selection criteria for generating reports. If "Input" is checked, then new inspection data entering is enabled for this organizational element. Option "Active?" is used to enable or disable certain organizational element for both reporting and new inspections input.
Departments, Plants and Areas
In this tab you can proceed with definition of departments, plants and areas for the currently selected organization.