QLazDOE Application link

There are three application instances provided, i.e. connection links you can use (just copy/paste link into your browser):

1. Remote Desktop Session and Database with USA formatting

QLazDOE USA Application Link

2. Remote Desktop Session and Database with UK formatting

QLazDOE UK Application Link

2. Remote Desktop Session and Database with EU (European) formatting

QLazDOE EU Application Link

After clicking any of these links above, after few seconds you should be prompted with login form. Provide your username and password.
If login is OK, the main form should appear like this:

In USA instance, there are currently 3 basic examples, on other instances there are no demo records. You are able to view demo examples, but you cannot edit them. You can, however insert/edit/delete your own doe projects and solutions.

Short introduction of the QLazDOE software is here: https://matasoft.hr/QTrendControl/index.php/qdoe-design-of-experiments-software/about-qdoe-software

Articles with some examples are here: https://matasoft.hr/QTrendControl/index.php/qdoe-design-of-experiments-software/doe-case-studies

You can also read or download the LazStats (statistical software included with the QLazDOE) user manual here: https://matasoft.hr/QTrendControl/images/docs/User_Manual_for_LazStats.pdf

FREE QLazDOE User Account

You can start uzing QLazDOE application for free, by using this free user account:

    username: qlazdoe

    password: free

Only restriction with free user account is that you will share your projects with everybody else.


If you like QLazDOE, please support us by donation!


Further Reading

Introduction to QLazDOE software
DOE Case Studies