In order to be able to new input inspection results and report on them, you first need to define master data.
Conceptually, we can divide master data into 3 groups of data:
1. Lookup data
2. Organizational structure data
3. Inspection matrix
This article explains how to manage organizational structure data, which is prerequisite for defining inspection matrix data.
Master Data Management
Organizational structure data and inspection matrix data are managed on the same form, which you can open by clicking button "Organization structure and Inspection Matrix", on the main switchboard.
Organization structure is defined in three tabs: "Organizations", "Departments, Plants and Areas", "Lines and Devices".
When defining organization, you need to progress in the following order: Organization --> Department --> Plant --> Area ---> Line --> Device.
All nodes of the organization structure are mandatory, however you can leave certain nodes blank or provide dummy names, e.g. "All areas", "All lines", "All devices" etc.
Keep in mind that organizational elements are ordered in logical hierarchical relationship, so that data is filtered on lower hiearachical levels, depending on the currently selected element in higher level. For example, if you are positioned on a area called "Manufacturing Area 1", in the tab "Lines and Deviced" there would be shown only lines and devices belonging to the Manufacturing Area 1".
Create New Organization
When we open the form, in the tab "Organizations", we are positioned on the first organization being defined.
Scroll down the form and you will notice that there is a record navigator on the bottom of the form, by using which we can navigate previously defined organizations or trigger new record input.
If you wish to create new organization, click on the small button . This will open new blank record ready to be defined.
Note three check-boxes ("Reporting?", "Input?", "Active"). When saving a record (by clicking save button or by navigating to other record), by default all three options will be activated. You can then manually switch them on or off later. The same three check boxes are present in dependent organizational hierarchies too.
If option "Active" is switched off, it means that the organizational element (with all dependent objects is not available for inspection results input, neither for reporting. If option "Input" is switched off, it means that the organizational element is not available for new inspections. If "reporting" is switched off, it means that the organizational element can not be used for reporting results.
Create New Department
When you click on the tab "Departments, Plants and Areas", you will see already defined departments, for the previously selected organization, or a blank form for entering new departments.
Note that departments are being enetered as elements of a list. On the bottom part of the list, note asterix sign, which means entering new element in the list.
So, we can define new department, by entering data into new element of the list.
You can save the new record by moving cursor to another record.
Notice that three check boxes are automatically set to default values.
Also, note that after record is saved, drill-down plus sign is now active, meaning that we can proceed with entering dependent data for plants and areas belonging to the currently selected department.
When we fill the data for plant and areas, it will look something like this:
Note that you can scroll through plants belonging to the department by using navigation toolbar.
Create New Plant
Now we can create some new plants belonging to our new department. By term "plant" we mean logical or physical division inside a department, for example: physical-chemical laboratory, tablets producing plant, plant for production of purified water etc.
Use small button in the navigation toolbar for entering new plants.
We have just created 2 new plants for the new department.
Create New Area
For each previously defined plants, we can define one or more areas. By "area" we mean a certain logical or physical compartment inside a plant, such as room or workshop area.
For example, we might define separate areas for dispensing, filling and packaging.
Notice that you can also select cleanliness class for each area, by choosing from a menu. This however is not mandatory.
Create New Line
Once we defined department, plant and area, we can enter lines and devices for the currently selected area.
By term "line" we mean any logical or physical group of devices, such as, for example, a packaging line, a group of laboratory equipment, a facility for production of demineralized water etc.
Select an area and click on the next tab, "Lines and Devices".
Create New Device
Once we defined a line, we can enter devices which constitute the line.
Dummy organizational elements
All organizational elements (organization, department, plant, area, line, device) are mandatory. You can define inspection points and inspection parameters (quality characteristics) only if all organizational elements are previously entered.
However, in many cases your inspection parameters (quality characteristics) will not be related to a specific machine or device, but rather to whole department or plant or an area.
in such cases, you will have to define "dummy" or transitional organizational elements.
For example, let's suppose situation that we want to define several inspection parameters related to the Filling area 1.
Select the filling area 1 and proceed to the "Lines and devices" tab.
Now, we can define transitional line "All lines" and transitional device "All devices".
Alternative approach would be to enter blank line and blank device. Notice that the system will, however create new line and new device IDs, but without any name.
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